
Book Review of "Hard Work for New Jobs" in Construction Labour Research News

Book review of Holtgrewe, Ursula; Kirov, Vassil; Ramioul, Monique (eds.) (2015): Hard work in new jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan) just published in CLR News.


Book Review of "Hard Work in New Jobs"

Book review of "Hard Work in New Jobs" just published in Applied Research in Quality of Life.


Hard Work in New Jobs


Our new book is published now: Holtgrewe, Ursula; Kirov, Vassil; Ramioul, Monique (eds.): Hard work in new jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors. Houndmills (Palgrave Macmillan)

It could be purchased by Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Hard-Work-New-Jobs-European/dp/1137461063


New article published

Vassil Kirov & Pernille Hohnen (2015) "Trade unions strategies to address inclusion of vulnerable employees in 'anchored' services in Europe" in International Journal of Manpower
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how trade unions may address the questions of inclusion of vulnerable employees in low-wage sectors in the European Union. The findings presented in the paper are mainly results of the analysis of stakeholder policies and strategies on the national level and on the European level, including both desk research and interviews with social partner representatives and other experts in the sectors as well as company case studies carried out in the examined countries in three selected sectors: cleaning, waste collection and catering. The main findings of the paper refer to the indirect way in which trade unions try to promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups in the examined sectors. On this basis are formulated policy recommendations. The originality of the paper is related to comparative research focused on services sectors and the consequences of the spatial reorganisation of sectors for the trade union actions.

About me

I'm a researcher, expert and lecturer with rich experience in the area of the study of enterprises and social dialogue in Europe.


(Grant Agreement Number 24459, SSH-CT-2009-244597) www.walqing.eu 7th Framework programme for RTD
WALQING is a research project, implemented together by 11 European academic and research centers / institutes. The project is funded via the seventh frame program of the European Commission


A forum was held at the end of October in Brussels. It was attended by over 500 representatives of think thanks, research centers, social partners, labor administrations and NGOs. www.employment.eutrio.be/eutrio/defaultEutrio.aspx?id=31184. The results of the A.R.E.N.A.S. project were presented. The report on .

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