July 2010 - April 2011

Project - Social dialogue in times of global economic crisis

 Study of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, coordinated by ASTREES, France (www.astrees.org) The project aims to analyze the agreements reached between the social partners on minimizing and alleviating the impacts of the global economic crises at various levels – European, national, regional and company. The methodology used is based on review of public sources of information and case studies.

Expert for Bulgaria and Luxemburg

October 2012 - September 2016

COST Action IS1202, Dynamics of Virtual Work

February - June 2015

The digital economy and public services in Europe

August 2011 - April 2012

“Precarious work and social rights”

April 2010 - July 2010

Study to support an Impact Assessment on further action at European level regarding Directive 2003/88/EC and the evolution of working time organization

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About me

I'm a researcher, expert and lecturer with rich experience in the area of the study of enterprises and social dialogue in Europe.


(Grant Agreement Number 24459, SSH-CT-2009-244597) www.walqing.eu 7th Framework programme for RTD
WALQING is a research project, implemented together by 11 European academic and research centers / institutes. The project is funded via the seventh frame program of the European Commission

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