Holtgrewe, Ursula; Kirov, Vassil; Ramioul, Monique (eds.) (2015): Hard work in
new jobs. The quality of work and life in European growth sectors.
Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
‘Restructuring and Social Dialogue in Times of Crisis. Sociological Analysis’
Editions of IIOZ, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 168 p., (in Bulgarian), ISBN 978-954-8765-10-7
‘How many does it take to tango? Stakeholders’ strategies to improve work in Europe’
Research Report, Deliverable 5.7 of the WALQING project, SSH-CT-2009-244597, Sofia, November 2011. www.walqing.eu
- ‘Changes in Work from the Global Value Change Perspective The Case of Transformation Economies: Bulgaria and Hungary’ (in co-authorship with MAKO, Csaba ; Illessy, Miklos ; Csizmadia, Peter & Todor, Galev), VEZETESTUDOMANY, XLII. EVF. 2011. 6. SZAM, pp. 2 – 12
ISSN 0133-0179
- ‘What is the impact of ‘Greening’ on the Construction social dialogue?’
CLR News 4/2011, p. 31 - 39 (in co-authorship with Monique Ramioul, Hans Torvatn, Jan Van Peteghem)
ISSN 1997-1745
- ’Employment in Call Centres in Bulgaria’, in Work Organisation,
Labour and Globalization, Vol. 3, N. 1, pp. 144 – 157 (in co-authorship
with K. Mircheva)
: See summary
The article can be purchased at: https://analytica.metapress.com/content/c214vgp3386792k6/resource-secured/?target=fulltext.pdf
- ‘Changes in work in transformation economies - The case of the new
Member States’, Leuven: HIVA, 95 p. (in co-authorship with C. Makó , M.
Illéssy, P. Csizmadia and T. Galev)
http://www.worksproject.be/Works_pdf/WP12 publiek/17_D12.9_Thematic_Report_TransitionalEconomies_DRUK.pdf
‘Trade Unions in CEEs and the Challenges after the EU Accession: The
Case of Bulgaria’ in \"Economia & Lavoro\", anno XLII, n.3 Settembre -
Decembre 2008, pp.83-94
Summary at: http://www.fondazionebrodolini.it/OrganizationFolders/FGB/6746.PDF
‘The impact of the Racial Equality Directive: a survey of trade unions
and employers in the Member States of the European Union. Bulgaria’.